Finding The Right Debt Finance
Every SME, landlord and property developer needs funds.
If you have applied for finance before you will know that high street banks can reject funding applications. Or not lend at all for property.
But going off mainstream lending can be time consuming: dozens of financial products, hundreds of lenders, thousands of criteria to sift through.
At CC Finance, the goal we share with clients is to obtain the lowest cost most appropriate type of finance as fast as possible. To achieve this, we conduct a full review of funding options based on your funding requirements, business and your circumstances as a borrower. While we entertain senior relationships with 300+ lenders across the UK we regularly cast our net out further if the need arises.
We ask the right questions to develop a robust lender proposal and routinely discuss cases with individual lenders in detail, prior to a full application. A thorough pre-assessment and lender outreach have been found to significantly decrease the risk of a deal not progressing during application.
Some Of Our Key Lenders

As a first step, give us a call, we aim to answer all enquiries within 24 hours on working days.
During weekdays we are open from 9am — 6pm.
Quick contact: If you would you like to contact us, please submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. Alternatively, email us if you prefer.
Call us: If you’d rather call, contact us on 0774 776 7312 — we would be delighted to speak with you.